package sharedhost

import (


// ReplaceTilde builds a middleware which substitutes a leading '~' in the request path.
// It makes the alteration to a copy of the request which is then passed into the
// wrapped Handler. This way middlewares outside of this one inspecting the request
// afterwards will see the original URL.
// Typically the replacement should end with a "/", so that the ~ ends up mapping to a
// particular directory on the filesystem. For instance with a replacement string of
// "users/", "" maps to "".
func ReplaceTilde(replacement string) gus.Middleware {
	return func(inner gus.Handler) gus.Handler {
		return func(ctx context.Context, request *gus.Request) *gus.Response {
			if len(request.Path) > 1 && request.Path[0] == '/' && request.Path[1] == '~' {
				request = cloneRequest(request)
				request.Path = "/" + replacement + request.Path[2:]

			return inner(ctx, request)

func cloneRequest(start *gus.Request) *gus.Request {
	next := &gus.Request{}
	*next = *start

	next.URL = &url.URL{}
	*next.URL = *start.URL

	if start.TLSState != nil {
		next.TLSState = &tls.ConnectionState{}
		*next.TLSState = *start.TLSState

	return next