# {{.Repo.Name}} {{slice .Params.ref 0 8}} {{ with .Repo.Commit .Ctx .Params.ref -}} ## {{.ShortMessage}} {{ with .RestOfMessage -}} {{ if ne . "" -}} {{.}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} => ../../ 🗂️ Repository => ./tree/ 📄 Files {{ if ne .Parents nil -}} => ../../diff/{{.Hash}}^/{{.Hash}} 🔩 Full Diff {{ else -}} => ../../diff/4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904/{{.Hash}} 🔩 Full Diff {{ end -}} {{ range .Parents -}} => ../{{.}}/ 👤 Parent {{slice . 0 8}} {{ end -}} {{ range .Repo.Refs $.Ctx -}} {{ if .IsTag -}} {{ if eq $.Params.ref .Hash -}} => ../{{.Hash}}/ 🏷️ {{.ShortName}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ end }} ### Authored => mailto:{{.AuthorEmail}} {{.AuthorName}} {{.AuthorDate.Format "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"}} ### Committed => mailto:{{.CommitterEmail}} {{.CommitterName}} {{.CommitDate.Format "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"}} {{ if ne .Parents nil -}} {{ with index .Parents 0 -}} ```diffstat {{$.Repo.Diffstat $.Ctx . $.Params.ref}} ``` {{ end -}} {{ else -}} ```diffstat {{$.Repo.Diffstat $.Ctx "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904" $.Params.ref}} ``` {{ end -}} {{ end -}}